Education Everywhere
Education Everywhere
Watch a brief video about Big IDEAS courses.
Be the decision maker in your own learning, solving real problems in the real world.
Be prepared for unexpected periods of home instruction.
How Caboodle! can support learning in a blended classroom.
Caboodle! was created in response to the COVID-19 crisis to offer K-12 students creative learning experiences both in school and out. Caboodle! puts the learner in charge of their own learning paths in a creative, collaborative, and experiential way.
Each Caboodle! course is project-based, allowing students to actively solve problems through their own innovative ideas and solutions, all while practicing and demonstrating understanding of appropriate grade-level outcomes.
By shifting from a didactic, information-retention instructional model to one which presents real-world problems to learners in conjunction with new content in cross-curricular domains, learners can construct new knowledge and understanding in an authentic, meaningful, and purposeful way.
Learn more about the learning theories behind Caboodle! or browse our current courses.
Our first collection is Big IDEAS: Design Thinking Courses for middle school students. Click on About to learn more!
Caboodle! courses can be completed in schools, at home, or both. Contact us below to learn more, or download a free module to see for yourself.
Caboodle! provides flexible blended leaning anywhere. Our courses allow for a seamless transition from in-school instruction to a home-based learning environment, all while ensuring that the learning experience is rich and meaningful.